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Guida al GDPR per chi non ne vuole sapere: a chi hai dato i dati (“so spariti i dati”)?

Se ricordi ho scritto nel post precedente (faccio finta che qualcuno li legga, sai) di cosa dovresti fare per iniziare ad affrontare questa rogna del GDPR. La prima era assumere un DPO, la seconda riguardava i dati… Ma che sono ‘sti dati? voglio dire tutti parlano di dati, ma cosa vuol dire? dove sono? chi sono? cosa fanno? Allora visto che sto scrivendo in italiano assumo che tu che leggi sia italiano e probabilmente interessato alla versione italiana della storia. Quindi vediamo cosa dice il garante al riguardo: Sono dati personali le informazioni che identificano o rendono identificabile…

Bunch of anniversaries, lol, thanks for reminding LinkedIn

Ok I have crossed another year last year I have  crossed my 50 (in august) and now I am trying to make a living i the 2016. LinkedIn helped me to remind me there have been some work anniversary for me this month, and so I receive a lot of congratulations, which I really appreciated. I usually do not stop to think about those anniversary, but receiving all those message make me think on what I am doing. So basically I receive anniversary wishes for my blogs, my activity as a trainer, journalistwriter and for my current Job. let’s talk a bit about my…

My Open Networker Experience in LinkedIn

My Open Networker Experience in LinkedIn | LinkedIn My Open Networker Experience in LinkedIn Jun 11 2014 210Views 7Likes 3Comments Share on LinkedIn Share on Facebook Share on Google Plus Share on Twitter Just a few days ago I commented on a very interesting article on LION and open networker from Larry Brauner and this make me think about why I am an Open Networker. Well I have to say that, at the end, being a Open Networker is a personal matter, it’s a mixed feeling of trying to expand your visibility and willing to get in touch with people…

This member chose to be shown as anonymous

This member chose to be shown as anonymous | LinkedIn This member chose to be shown as anonymous Oct 21 2014 225Views 20Likes 5Comments Share on LinkedIn Share on Facebook Share on Google Plus Share on Twitter I mean really? You’re on LinkedIn and you chose to be anonymous? This is something I hardly understand, why don’t tell who you are when you visit someone else profile? I understand that sometimes there are people you want to block from watching your activities on linkedin, It happened to me once a previous employer who was watching my LinkedIn activities every day,…

What does HR do?

What does HR do? | LinkedIn I was reading an interesting story, a few days ago, here in linkedin about someone that has been fired even if doing the right thing I Did the Right Thing and Still Got Fired: My Cautionary Tale Story and comments were interesting and make me thinking about a crucial point of the story, the role of the HR. It is quite commonly accepted that HR people are not on the employee side, and mostly they’re just the firearm of the management accomplishing all the worst and filthy actions you can imagine. But Why this is…

Managers and Leaders are not the same thing

Managers and Leaders are not the same thing | LinkedIn Managers and Leaders are not the same thing Oct 29 2014 120Views 18Likes 4Comments Share on LinkedIn Share on Facebook Share on Google Plus Share on Twitter There is always a lot of talk about managers and leadership, but I sometimes have the feeling there is a little confusion on the subject. I can agree that a manager needs to have leadership qualities, as some other key soft skills, but leadership, per se, is not enough. Wait, this means that a great leader can’t be also a great manager? Exactly,…

World Dictionary New Words and Meaning: Communist

They’re “Communists“. – This is a common way to express a feeling against someone. Communist and communism have lost the original meaning to be used, nowadays, as a synonymous of “Bad Guy that is against Freedom, Truth, Democracy, Life, God and everything holy and so, as a matter of fact, terrorist, killer and all the worse” After the end of the so-called “cold War” and the downfall of the former USSR what is left is just an abused and empty word “communism” still used as a propaganda flag to show the “enemy” in a general way. If you’re against me so you’re “communist”, so it…

L’angolo tecnico, in collaborazione con V-Valley

        Come chiunque acceda al mio profilo LinkedIn dovrebbe sapere, ho iniziato una collaborazione con V-Valley, distributore a valore, per dare supporto e sviluppo alla parte di sicurezza. Una componente fondamentale del valore è la formazione in tutte le sue varie espressioni. Training, articoli, eventi e conferenze saranno una espressione di questa collaborazione, con lo scopo di consentire un avvicinamento in maniera piu consapevole alla platea di chi si approccia alla sicurezza informatica. In questa ottica ho deciso di iniziare a scrivere una serie di articoli che affrontano alcuni aspetti pratici della sicurezza, andando ad evidenziare sia i…

Anatomy of a conference day in Rome

Let’s focus on that day 1) Wake up in the morning, raining in vistarino 2) Reached Pavia station went to the automatic ticket machine to take the train  I discover it does not work, ok no prob I queued at the ticket store 3) Took the train in perfect time, so this sis not such a bad day after all… 4) The train is arriving late, damn will I take the coincidence? Of course not! lost for 1 minute (I saw it leaving) 🙁 bye bye Italo, by by first class 5) OK nothing is lost, I look for another…

FW SPAM: hello, i see your profile at (

    From: Blessing Soumah [] Sent: Thursday 20 September 2012 15:12 To: Subject: hello, i see your profile at ( Hello My Dear, How are you today?? My name is Miss Blessing, I saw your profile at ( I like to be your friend ok;Please contact me back at my my private email address (soumah_blessing) i will give you my pictures and my details for you to know whom i am Attached here is one off my picture have a nice day Yours Blessing Related posts: Guida al GDPR per chi non ne vuole sapere: a chi hai…

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