
Privacy Impact Assessment

Privacy Impact Assessment Privacy impact assessments (PIAs) are tools which can help organizations identify the most effective way to comply with their data protection obligations and meet individuals’ expectations of privacy. An effective PIA will allow organizations to identify and fix problems at an early stage, reducing the associated costs and damage to reputation which might otherwise occur. PIAs are an integral part of taking privacy by design approach. Key points: A PIA is a process which assists organizations in identifying and minimizing the privacy risks of new projects or policies. Conducting a PIA involves working with people within the…

Are we using a double standard in IT security?

Are we using a double standard in IT security? In the last years Cyber Security has raised as a major concern in any sector of our lives, from government to business and even at private and personal level. But I am wondering if there is a sort of double standard when we judge facts happening when they are related to cybersecurity. Let’s make some example: We all have read concerns rising form the rumoured new rules that china will impose to companies selling IT equipments in some sensitive sector like financial, western expert have raised all so of questions pointing out that…

Security and Risks Updated

When I’m talking about security with customers, partners or at an event the first question I usually receive is: how much this will cost to me? This is an understandable question, costs have to be monitored and expenditures have to be planned wisely;  how much I can spend on security is a quite interesting topic. The problem, alas, is that usually IT managers do not use a clear model when planning investment in security but seemed to be attracted more by strange inner believes than an empirical analysis of cost and benefits. Another point that I’ve always found quite curious is that…

tomorrow festival ict milan

Tomorrow I will have to wake up very early to be at Festival k ICT In Milan at 8:30. But I have my speech early around 9 am in Room 9 .I will try to explain to attendees what an apt actually is to let them move between truth and Marketing from security vendors. Sometimes it is better to know What we are talking about before choosing a security device or technology. If happen you to be there send me a note and may be we can catch up, See You tomorrow. Related posts: V-Valley Security: Proteggi il tuo DataCenter…

Ricordati: Windows 2003 Server sta andando in EOL!

#680080 / Ok lo sappiamo, windows server 2003 sta andando in EOL, ma la domanda è noi ci stiamo preparando o faremo la stessa cosa che è successa con windows XP facendoci trovare impreparati? Quanto hanno pianificato migrazione ed aggiornamento? La questione sembra banale, ma alla luce dello sviluppo dei rischi di sicurezza legati al mondo dell’informatica, e la lentezza con cui affrontiamo le problematiche di aggiornamento forse la questione non è cosi secondaria e futile. L’esperienza di WindowsXP Windows XP ci ha insegnato, o almeno avrebbe dovuto farlo, che non preoccuparsi della attualizzazione dei sistemi può portare a…

Is Sandboxing technology the answer?

Most of the security solutions in the market those days leverage sandboxing technologies to deal with Advanced Persistent Threats,  “0”days vulnerability, target attack and so on. It would be interesting to analyze the good and the limits of this kind of technologies to be able to better choose our security solutions. What is a Sandbox? sandboxing means to create a “virtual”, “fake” image that can be targeted by malware attackers o unknown security problems. Monitoring the change that happen to this decoy it is possible to understand if something strange is going on. The idea basically is that since the fake machine…

Seminario V-Valley: Sicurezza informatica nell’ambito della legislazione italiana

  Mercoledì 22 Ottobre 2014  presso la sede ESPRINET –  Via Energy Park 20 – Vimercate      SEMINARIO “Sicurezza informatica nell’ambito della legislazione italiana. Le soluzioni di RSA.”  Relatori: Antonio Ieranò – Security Advisor Fabrizio Banfi – RSA Distribution Manager Italia Agenda: 09:30 – 10:00   Registrazione 10:00 – 11:00   Cybercryme, leggi e responsabilità civili e penali–  Ilquadronormativo:leggi,norme edinterpretazioni-  Lo status del Cybercrime: vittime e complici inconsapevoli (ma complici) 11:00 – 11:00   La legge Italiana e le responsabilità dell’IT 12:00 – 12:45   Requisiti minimi per stare tranquilli: Rete, Dati, Utenti 12.45 – 14.00   Le soluzioni di RSA: Authentication Manager,…

Forum ICT Security 2014 – Convegni – 10 Ottobre – Tavola Rotonda   Related posts: Nmap Guide Revisited – Hakin9 Tutorials | Magazine | Hackers about hacking techniques in our IT Security Magazine Privacy in the age of the social media « The Puchi Herald Security in a Virtual World Is Sandboxing technology the answer? Guida al GDPR per chi non ne vuol sapere: dice il controller “lei non sa chi sono io” Powered by YARPP.

V-Valley Security: Proteggi il tuo DataCenter

Eccoci ancora una volta, la presentazione che segue è stata fatta per un evento V-Valley con Dell, Intel ed APC by Schneider Electric. Si sono tenute diverse date, io ero presente a quelle di Roma e Milano. Questa Volta si il tema è introduttivo alla security, per descrivere alcune delle aree di interesse legate al Datacenter. Quando si parla di Datacenter le prime cose che vengono solitamente in mente sono i “server” , NAS\SAS e gli Switch di fascia alta. In realtà le tematiche legate al datacenter coprono una ben più vasta area, e molte sono legate intrinsecamente alle problematiche di…

Cyber Security Market (IAM, Encryption, DLP, Risk and Compliance Management, IDS/IPS, UTM, Firewall, Antivirus/Antimalware, SVM/SIEM, Disaster Recovery, DDoS Mitigation, Web Filtering, Security Services) – Global Advancements, Forecasts & Analysis (2014-2

NEW YORK, May 5, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue: Cyber Security Market (IAM, Encryption, DLP, Risk and Compliance Management, IDS/IPS, UTM, Firewall, Antivirus/Antimalware…

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