
Guida al GDPR per chi non ne vuole sapere: a chi hai dato i dati (“so spariti i dati”)?

Se ricordi ho scritto nel post precedente (faccio finta che qualcuno li legga, sai) di cosa dovresti fare per iniziare ad affrontare questa rogna del GDPR. La prima era assumere un DPO, la seconda riguardava i dati… Ma che sono ‘sti dati? voglio dire tutti parlano di dati, ma cosa vuol dire? dove sono? chi sono? cosa fanno? Allora visto che sto scrivendo in italiano assumo che tu che leggi sia italiano e probabilmente interessato alla versione italiana della storia. Quindi vediamo cosa dice il garante al riguardo: Sono dati personali le informazioni che identificano o rendono identificabile…

GDPR and the technology market

Question: will the new privacy policies and laws impact the technology market? This is an interesting question to ask ourselves; whether we are consumer of the technology market or technology vendors the impact of the new technologies (from cloud to IoT, from industry 4.0 to big data just to name the most acknowledged from a marketing point of view) privacy regulations can affect heavily our behaviours and the market. so let try to understand what could be the implications of this new focus on privacy and data protection. First of all we should try to understand what we are talking…

NFV network function virtualization security considerations

I have been asked to write down a few things related to NFV and security. NFV is relatively a new thing in the IT world. It has been on the news in 2012 and since then it has followed the developing path common to the virtualization technologies. Virtualization has made dramatic improvement in the last years. It all started at first with simple virtualization platforms, of course VMware on top of our mind, but not only. The idea was to abstract HW platforms from software ones. Developing the idea, the abstraction growth covering multiple hw platforms moving also to the…

Happy new insecure 2017: my resolutions and wishlist for new year

Here we are, a new year comes and we, as cyber security expert, will keep warning the world about the deeply insecure world we are living. And we will announce new technologies and new devastating scenarios related to new technologies. IoT and Cloud will rise their evil face while bad people will be lurking in the dark waiting to attack the innocent lamb crossing the road. But, in all of this, the most of the damage will be still done by bad designed systems, by managers that does not understand what means living in a digital world, by politicians that…

Our memories are all we have

I am in China for work, with a few connection to the real world outside, so Italian news usually comes to me late, when I am able to connect to internet from hotel; great firewall allowing. Being isolated from the Italian reality put things into a different perspective, allow you to keep less news with more time to digest and think about. It happened a few days ago I learned of the death of Umberto Eco, one of the greatest Italian tinker of our age. He was a great writer, a great thinker, a truly free spirit. The first thing I did…

The IoT Files – Infrastructure

The IoT Files – Infrastructure IoT is a complex argument, we already know it. In my previous introductory post I tried to explain the privacy and security concerns that IoT is bringing to us (Ă²). Most of those concerns are intercnnected one to the other, but have also a strong relationship with the next point: the infrastructure needed. With Infrastructure I refer to a lot of things, that goes beyond the simply technical aspect, because a real IoT infrastructure goes way beyond the access protocol or the wireless. Wireless Outdoorsindoors Connections But since we named Access protocols and wireless stuffs,…

Un uso consapevole della Rete Appunti per Cittadini e Utenti della Rete

Un uso consapevole della Rete Appunti per Cittadini e Utenti della Rete Related posts: Un uso consapevole della Rete Appunti per Scuole e Genitori Il costo della inconsapevolezza Appunti per Pubbliche Amministrazioni e Istituzioni dello Stato Il costo della inconsapevolezza Appunti per Università ed Enti di Ricerca Il costo della inconsapevolezza Appunti per Le Aziende Italiane Rapporto Clusit Powered by YARPP.

Un uso consapevole della Rete Appunti per Scuole e Genitori

Un uso consapevole della Rete Appunti per Scuole e Genitori Related posts: Un uso consapevole della Rete Appunti per Cittadini e Utenti della Rete Il costo della inconsapevolezza Appunti per Pubbliche Amministrazioni e Istituzioni dello Stato Il costo della inconsapevolezza Appunti per Università ed Enti di Ricerca Il costo della inconsapevolezza Appunti per Le Aziende Italiane Rapporto Clusit Powered by YARPP.

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