
What is Openstack

OpenStack is an open source platform for creating and managing large groups of virtual private servers in a cloud computing environment. The platform supports interoperability between cloud services and allow businesses to build and deploy private cloud services in their own data centers. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) worked with Rackspace, a managed hosting and cloud computing service provider, to develop OpenStack. RackSpace donated the code that powers its storage and content delivery service and production servers. NASA contributed the technology that powers their high performance computing, networking and data storage cloud service. OpenStack has a modular architecture…

Global Cooperation in Cyberspace Initiative

Dear Colleagues,   The EastWest Institute is leading a Global Cooperation in Cyberspace Initiative to help make cyberspace more secure and predictable. As part of that initiative, EWI has established a “breakthrough group” that is working to enhance cybersecurity for governments and enterprises globally by enabling the availability and use of more secure information and communication technology (ICT) products and services.   For providers in the ICT supply chain, the group is promoting the use of recognized and proven international standards and best practices that improve product and service integrity. For buyers of ICT, the group is working to foster the use of procurement…

Lettere mai scritte: Al Presidente della Repubblica Italiana

Al Presidente della Repubblica Italiana   Caro presidente,                                     mi permetto di scriverle in quanto riconosco in lei la massima carica istituzionale della Repubblica Italiana. In questo momento cosi difficile per me e per tutti i miei concittadini le chiedo cortesemente di avere un occhio di riguardo verso le sorti della nostra Patria. In questi ultimi 20 anni ho assistito ad un costante ed inesorabile declino di quello che, una volta, era chiamato il Bel Paese. Un declino, prima che economico, morale e…

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