
World Dictionary New Words and Meaning: Communist

They’re “Communists“. – This is a common way to express a feeling against someone. Communist and communism have lost the original meaning to be used, nowadays, as a synonymous of “Bad Guy that is against Freedom, Truth, Democracy, Life, God and everything holy and so, as a matter of fact, terrorist, killer and all the worse” After the end of the so-called “cold War” and the downfall of the former USSR what is left is just an abused and empty word “communism” still used as a propaganda flag to show the “enemy” in a general way. If you’re against me so you’re “communist”, so it…

Israel will destroy Hamas tunnels no matter what

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel will not end its operation in Gaza until Hamas tunnels have been destroyed. Hamas has used an extensive network of tunnels to launch attacks on targets in Israel. Netanyahu maintains that Israel will push forward with efforts to destroy the tunnels “with or without a ceasefire.” Meanwhile, Israeli shelling continues unabated. Nearly 100 people died in Gaza on Wednesday, including 16 who were killed when Israeli artillery hit a UN-run school in Jabaliya district of Gaza City. On Thursday, the U.N.’s top human rights official, Navi Pillay, accused both Israel and Hamas of committing…

L’equivoco su Hamas

Usualmente non sono accondiscendente con le motivazioni Israliane nel conflitto Israelo-Palestinese. Non si tratta di essere antisemtia o antisionista, ma semplicemente di essere critico verso le operazioni israliane in terra palestinese perchè le ritengo inutili dal punto di vista degli obiettivi che vengono ufficialmente dichiarati e inaccettabili da un punto di vista di un esponente della civiltà occidentale. Ho scritto più volte che l’atteggiamento sprezzante di Israele nei confronti della comunità internazionale e delle risoluzioni dell’ONU, il comportamento della stessa Israele nei territori occupati e quelli limitrofi (dal controllo delle fonti di approvigionamento idrico agli insediamenti e via dicendo), porta…

A neverending chain of Hate

Today has been dedicated to the conflict between Israel and Palestine, dedicated because for some reasons I received some messages on the subject and I read some thread that made me think about this sad war. The first thing come to my attention has been a thread on twitter related to this pic. Is just me that I am naïve or there is something wrong with this Facebook page? This disgusting page comes from Facebook, those are the comments after that Israel artillery shot and killed some children in Palestine. There is no right that can justify such comments, they are disgusting for their…

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