Hacker (computer security)

Digging it up on Security Costs and Security Budgets – part1

In my previous article, security costs and security budget, I made some assumption to simplify an introductory analysis on how much we should spend on security. Some of those assumptions have been made to simplify out tasks. Today I would like to quickly analyse some of those simplifications. One of the biggest assumption I made on the previous article is that if a problem cost us X then we can find a number n that express the number of incidents I’m allowed to permit so that nX can express the cost I’m allowed to accept. This simplification was based on…

Introduction To Network Security – Part 1

Introduction To Network Security – Part 1: Introduction By Sahir Hidayatullah – Firewall.cx Security Advisor As more and more people and businesses have begun to use computer networks and the Internet, the need for a secure computing environment has never been greater. Right now, information security professionals are in great demand and the importance of the field is growing every day. All the industry leaders have been placing their bets on security in the last few years. All IT venodors agree today that secure computing is no longer an optional component, it is something that should be integrated into every…

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