
Antonio, congratulations! You have one of the top 1% most viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012!

Antonio, congratulations! You have one of the top 1% most viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012! LinkedIn now has 200 million members. Antonio, congratulations! You have one of the top 1% most viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012. LinkedIn now has 200 million members. Thanks for playing a unique part in our community! Read More This is an occasional email to help you get the most of LinkedIn. UnsubscribeThis email was intended for Antonio Ieranò (Security Consultant, Speaker, Trainer and Blogger). Learn why we include this. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact LinkedIn Customer Service. © 2013, LinkedIn Corporation….

Richiesta di aiuto :)

Come molti di voi gia sapranno (altrimenti possono fare riferimento ad un mio post su The Puchi Herald: A.I. tech upodate) Clusit ha rilasciato la versione inglese del security report 2012 a cui ho collaborato per la sezione sulla mobile security.Anche per il 2003 Clusit tra le sue attività ha in programma di pubblicare un nuovo Security Report, in quest’ottica mi dovrei occupare ancora della sezione sulla mobile security.Al fine di rendere la sezione più aderente ai nostri interessi e rinforzare uno spirito di community vi pregherei di farmi avere idee consigli, riferimenti, materiale, statistiche che ritenete importanti ed attinenti…

Please take this survey

could you do me a little favour? I really would appreciate if you could cpomplete this survey about me thanks in advance Antonio Related articles Help request for a personal survey (and first results) ( Related posts: The unemployed mood bad day 🙁 Looking for a new career opportunity Richiesta di aiuto 🙂 What Does a Spamhaus Attack Feel Like? – Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO Powered by YARPP.

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